Sylvie at the Opera House

Isn’t this a fabulous image? I told my photoshop wizard friend Sharon Robertson that I wanted a picture somehow that showed the first time the heroine of my book, Disfigured, a Gothic Romance, visited the Paris Opera House. Early in the book, Sylvie befriends Madame Giry, who invites her to visit the building where Madame Giry lives and works for a tour. Unbeknownst to Sylvie, her new friend is auditioning her for a job. As Sylvie stands alone upon the empty stage that morning, she has the eerie sensation of being watched from the catwalks far above the stage. When she looks up, she catches a brief glimpse of something white in the shadows that quickly disappears. It is, of course, Erik the Opera Ghost, lurking far above the stage in order to get a look at the young woman who will become his cook.

Sharon came up with this marvelous picture for me, even including a glimpse of Erik’s white mask high above the stage.I added the words, a quote from the book. I love it!

Later in the book, after the ever-curious Sylvie has been bringing a meal to her mysterious new client for a couple of weeks, she lies in wait for HIM and gives him quite a shock!

Disfigured is the first in a series of gothic romance books featuring Sylvie Bessette and her dangerous love affair with the Phantom. Read them all! It’s a good time to escape into Paris of the 1870s, and into the pages of an action romance with a happy ending.