Exciting News about Spirit of Revenge!

I am happy to announce that Book 3 in my Disfigured Series is now available to pre-order at Amazon! Here is the jacket description of Spirit of Revenge:

“Set against the backdrop of a country seething with turmoil in the aftermath of a devastating war, Spirit of Revenge finds Sylvie and Erik embroiled in political intrigue and a dangerous plot against the fledgling French Republic.  But soon they realize that the hunters have become the hunted. Are they being stalked by an old enemy, or a new one?

     Watched, threatened and attacked, Erik and Sylvie need all their new-found trust in each other to find and fight their mysterious adversary before it is too late.”

Amazon pre-order is available for ebooks only. However, both ebook and paperback versions will officially go on sale at both Amazon and Barnes and Noble for Nook on February 14th, 2020! Seems an appropriate date for a Gothic Romance.

You can find Spirit of Revenge, along with my first 2 books in the series, at Amazon in Books. Just search for my name, Wendy Coles-Littlepage. I hope you will enjoy it, it was a joy to write!